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Stealth Activity Reporter

Monitors staff / child exactly what people are doing on the computer to see!


"Izleyin staff / child exactly what people are doing on the computer to see!"
runterload.de Editor: An easy to use Stealth Activity Reporter to monitor / PC bad tool to use: This keystrokes, user name, password, the logs URLS, path names, access times and the effective application and visited the window title. Information is stored in an encrypted text file.

E-mail can be distributed with STAR! Only one e-mail you want to watch people using the computer. STAR will be installed on this computer silently after running this program people will never notice.

System tray, task bar or task list does not display in the current stealth STAR! SMTP/POP3 e-mail accounts also will not appear on the log file, you can send e-mail.

He does not appear in the background, a small application that plays a powerful blog engine, and all this application does not notice that the PC is running.


See everything with screenshots! (Display) log Images: See EVERYTHING that happens on your PC screen with built-in recorder. STAR easy unique "all-in-one" interactive activity report to read the forms.

Users typed pages. Text Logging: Log keystrokes, user names, passwords, path names, access times, windows titles and send e-mail, log file, all user visible. Fully searchable for keywords. This assessment makes even large logs files in a snap!

Sending reports via e-mail and will not appear secure. Import events directly e-mail reports. STAR sends invisible. For maximum security and can be sent as a password-protected account, compressed ZIP file speed.

Remotly local area network (LAN) STAR distribute. Network functions: STAR session can record directly to a local area network (LAN) through files easy and is prepared for remote deployment. STAR can also easily deployed via e-mail!

STAR fully password protected. STAR are protected against interference: This invisible work, remove the log file is encrypted and the setup und password protected. Now you can download free Stealth Activity Reporter 5.0.

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